Our phone number is:
(440) 949-5522 (24/7 answering service)
General Inquiries: bswt.office @ gmail.com
Website Technical Information: tbholdren @ gmail.com
Our mailing address is:
Believer’s Spoken Word Tabernacle
1530 Lake Breeze Rd.
Sheffield, OH 44055
Directions from route I-90, St Rt. 2:
Exit 151 (St. Rt. 611) From the east, end of ramp turn right. From the west, end of ramp, turn left. Follow approximately 3 miles to Lake Breeze Rd, (Green and white Dyna-Gard gas station), turn right. We are located 1/2 mile on the left. (Red and white sign).
Hotel Accomodations:
FAIRFIELD Inn & Suites
39050 Colorado Ave. (Rt. 611)
Avon, OH 44011
Phone: 440-934-7445
web address: http://fairfieldinn.com/cleav